# taxreassessment
2 posts in `taxreassessment` tag
Income Tax Reassessment Under Section 148A: Updated Schedules and Processes
The Finance Act, 2021, has introduced significant changes to the income tax reassessment provisions under Section 148A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. This blog post explains the new timelines and procedures for income tax reassessment, including the show-cause notice, taxpayer's response, and AO's decision.
Understanding Tax Reassessment in India: A Guide to Sections 147 & 148
Have you ever gotten a scary warning from the Income Tax Department about a possible reassessment? This blog gives you the information you need to handle this circumstance with assurance. We discuss the Income Tax Act's Sections 147 and 148, which provide clarification on the authority for reassessments, the potential triggers for them, and the vital notice procedures required by Section 148. The site additionally emphasizes your rights as a taxpayer in the event of a reassessment, including the chance to reply and make your case. Through comprehension of these areas and your available choices, you can approach a prospective reevaluation with a proactive and knowledgeable outlook.