# taxfraud
2 posts in `taxfraud` tag
Tax Evasion vs. Tax Fraud: Understanding the Differences and Importance of Reporting Tax Evasion
Tax evasion and tax fraud are two common forms of tax-related crimes. While they may seem similar, they have distinct meanings and consequences. Tax evasion involves the use of illegal means to avoid paying taxes, while tax fraud involves the intentional misrepresentation of information on a tax return. This blog post explores thedifferences between tax evasion and tax fraud, and the importance of reporting tax evasion.
Understanding the New Scrutiny Guidelines for ITRs (FY 2024-25)
The new scrutiny guidelines for ITRs (FY 2024-25) provide transparency in the tax department's functioning and bring in a data-driven approach for identifying cases for scrutiny assessment. This blog post demystifies the new scrutiny guidelines for ITRs (FY 2024-25) and provides a comprehensive guide for taxpayers to ensure that they are compliant with the tax laws and avoid any potential scrutiny.