{"id":891,"date":"2024-05-22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/APNOKACA.com\/blog\/?p=105601"},"modified":"2024-05-22","slug":"section-80tta-vs-section-80ttb-a-comprehensive-comparison-income-tax-act-1961","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/APNOKACA.com\/blog\/section-80tta-vs-section-80ttb-a-comprehensive-comparison-income-tax-act-1961","title":{"rendered":"Section 80TTA vs Section 80TTB: A Comprehensive Comparison | Income Tax Act, 1961"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
<\/i> Income tax <\/a>

Section 80TTA vs Section 80TTB: A Comprehensive Comparison | Income Tax Act, 1961 <\/h1> <\/div>

This blog post will provide a detailed comparison of Section 80TTA and Section 80TTB of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The post will cover the key differences between the two sections, including their eligibility criteria, deduction limits, and the types of accounts that qualify for deductions. The post will also provide a brief overview of the Income Tax Act and the role of deductions in reducing tax liability. <\/p>

<\/figure> <\/div> <\/div> <\/section>
<\/div> Krishna Gopal Varshney <\/a>

An editor at Myitronline<\/p> <\/div>