{"id":852,"date":"2024-04-20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/APNOKACA.com\/blog\/?p=105601"},"modified":"2024-04-20","slug":"tds-vs-tcs-which-one-affects-you-and-how-","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/APNOKACA.com\/blog\/tds-vs-tcs-which-one-affects-you-and-how-","title":{"rendered":"TDS vs. TCS: Which One Affects You and How?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
<\/i> Income tax <\/a>

TDS vs. TCS: Which One Affects You and How? <\/h1> <\/div>

Ever wonder why a portion of your salary disappears before it hits your bank account? That's TDS! But what about TCS? This blog clears the confusion between TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) and TCS (Tax Collected at Source) in India. We explain who deducts what, when it applies, and how it affects your taxes. No more wondering - understand how TDS and TCS impact YOU! <\/p>

<\/figure> <\/div> <\/div> <\/section>
<\/div> Krishna Gopal Varshney <\/a>

An editor at Myitronline<\/p> <\/div>